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The Permanent Representation, according to the terminology of the 1975 Vienna Convention, is the diplomatic body that a State, member of an international body, establishes with the same entity, in order to maintain lasting and assiduous relations with it.
The Permanent Representation of Italy to International Organizations is based in Rome, as well as in Geneva, New York, Paris and Vienna, and deals with carrying out negotiations with and within organizations such as the agencies of the UN Roman Polo, like:
• FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization);
• IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development);
• WFP (World Food Program) subsidiary body common to the UN and FAO.
Linked to the United Nations system, but not belonging to it, we also find international organizations such as Bioversity International (BI) and the International Organization for Development Law (IDLO).
Furthermore, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and the UN base of Brindisi, “United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot” (UNHRD), work in close collaboration with the Agencies of the Roman agri-food sector.