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In occasione dell’Assemblea delle Parti dell’IDLO, l’ambasciatore Ghisi ha tenuto in discorso in cui ha sottolineato l’importanza della “rule of law” nell’Agenda post-2015, della promozione dell’uguaglianza di genere e della cooperazione di IDLO con le RBA. Di seguito il testo completo dell’intervento:

                                                                            As delivered

Assembly of Parties of IDLO

(Rome – IFAD – 26 novembre 2013)

Statement by the Permanent Representative of Italy

(Agenda item 1.e. “Opening of the Assembly-Remarks by Member Parties and Observers”)


Mr. President, thank you for giving me the floor and thanks also for the kind words addressed to the Host Country, Italy, and to me as Vice President. It is indeed an honour and a pleasure for me to contribute to the success of your smart and effective Presidency of this Body.

Let me then congratulate through you the Director General, Mrs. Khan, on her brilliant opening remarks and on her accurate report on IDLO’a activities in 2013, showing the now “IDLO is in good  health”.This has been indeed a crucial year in re-launching the Organization. Taking stock of this, the State Parties have now the responsibility to providing guidance on how consolidate this positive trend in 2014. Before looking ahead, it is therefore important to consider the work done so far. I believe that following data are the most relevant in this regard.

1.    The programmes portfolio has been expanded from a total value of 34-MEURO to 65.

2.    The funds raised (about 27.3 MEURO) are expected to exceed 2013 targeted budget of 22. (substantially higher than the 2012 budget of 16.7)

3.    A third important element, stressed by the Steering Committee in its report to this Assembly is “ the judicious use of resource”.

4.     Finally, the participation to several high profile UN events connected with rule of law issues.

Before elaborating on these aspect of IDLOs work, allow me, Mr. President, to reiterate the renewed and reinforced Italian commitment towards this Organization, eloquentely stated earlier by HE Minister Kyenge on behalf of my Government.

Italy, the host Country and since ever a Major Donor to the Organization, recognises IDLO’s leadership and comparative advantage in the field of development law and rule of law. We therefore keep supporting this Rome based Agency’s activities to facilitate progress of good governance in developing countries and transitional economies. We have been cooperating with IDLO for many years now, especially in critical areas, given the Italian commitment to preserving peace, security and human rights worldwide with a special eye on the protection of vulnerable groups in contexts of crisis, post-crisis, conflict-preventions, conflict, post-conflict and peace-building.

We  highly appreciated that you, Mr. President,  reminded us of how much the International Community is now engaged in defining a new development agenda. This is very relevant for our discussion here, today. Let me echo the message of the Deputy UNSG, Mr. Eliasson, by stating that Italy is firmly convinced that the rule of law has a fundamental role to play in the post-2015 agenda, as it should address the multidimensional nature of poverty, inequality within  and between states, the challenge of full employment and decent conditions for all, associated with the transformation towards truly inclusive economic systems. It should also recognize the importance of issues such as fairness, justice, human rights. That is why we will keep working with IDLO, so to ensure that the rule of law is correctly understood as a central component of the Development Agenda and to ensure that interconnections between the different dimensions will address the issues on the table in an integrated manner. As a matter of fact, in the Italian perspective, a crucial aspect is represented by the promotion of gender equality and the elimination of violence against women and domestic violence, in the spirit of the Istanbul Convention, (which Italy hopes will soon ratified by all the signatory States).


Mr. President, let me now revert to the positive outcome of the first year of implementation of the IDLO’s Strategic plan, to see what are the main lessons we could draw.

1.    Despite the results in terms of portfolio and budget expansion our Organization is still heavily dependent on a small number of donors (as the Secretariat has recognized in the draft Management plan for 2104: “the narrow donor base is a big financial risk that the organization must address urgently”). I see here a greater number of observers than in the past. I would take this as a promising sign towards broadening the donor base. While appealing to all likeminded States to join, let me state that Italy is available to support the DG in every reaching out effort that could help to have more donors on board. As the major provider so far of unrestricted funding we would also like to appeal to other to consider to increase their support to the core functions of the Organization through unrestricted funds. It will help a lot to promote innovation and complete the restructuring process in line with the Strategic plan.

2.    We appreciate the DG ongoing efforts to align the structure to strategy and business purpose, and we encourage her to report timely and exhaustively to the Parties on the related action. In this regard we thank for the information provided on the setting up of a Branch office in the Hague. I wish however to remark that these information were given under the chapter “Resources” of the DG presentation. I am sure that the Director General will elaborate later on how the Branch Office will operate. It is an important development, and the Member Parties have a great interest in receive proper information.

3.    IDLO is not part of the UN family, but since rule of law is deeply rooted in the UN actions, we would like to see  IDLO to be hosted regularly by as a close friend, if not a relative. In this respect, we acknowledge the DG participation to several high level UN events in 2013 and we encourage her to continue in the next year, seeking also more involvement of IDLO in the post 2015 debate. This enhanced dialogue, should also aim at creating any possible synergy and avoid duplication with other Agencies working in the rule of law sector.


This brings me, Mr. President, to my final remarks. Italy is the host country of the UN Agencies, dealing with subject that are very high in the global development agenda (food security-nutrition-sustainable agriculture). In IDLO’s mandate, rule of law is strictly connected with development. We find therefore quite natural that synergies should be found in particular in Rome. (When I refer in general to the “Rome Based Agencies” I mean FAO, IFAD,WFP, IDLO and Bioversity. I would like to see more Missions in Rome having the same approach). Let me therefore thank the Director General for the information she has provided on the ongoing collaboration with RBAs and encourage her to pursue her endeavours in this direction. From my part  I wish to mention a perhaps small but meaningful example of collaboration. For the first time this year –on the 8 of March – IDLO took part to the RBAs celebrations of the International Women’s Day and, as certainly many in this room could remember, there was a very interesting video presentation of activities that the 4 Agencies are doing to promote women empowerment and advocacy: from there we could clearly perceive that is quite natural that they can work together and that the Member States should expect so. There is no need for anyone to create new programmes. It is enough to see how some already planned activity could be adjusted in a way to synergize with other: that is what Member States regularly ask to FAO-IFAD-WFD, we could just add IDLO, when appropriate, i.e. when a rule of law component is an important added value.  It is now common knowledge that women are the core of smallholder farmers, but their lack of access to land has a strong negative impact on their productivity (as well on their human right and individual and family wellbeing). I am sure that the activities planned in Rome and from Rome to celebrate next year, 2014, as the International Year of Family Farming, there will be room for such an enhanced collaboration, extending the culture of justice to food security. (Picking up from what the distinguished Representative of Ecuador has just said, I might add that the injection of a rule of law component will enhance the sustainability of the development programmes).

Let me conclude now by mentioning that the RBAs are the coordinating the UN participation to EXPO 2015 that will be held from May to November 2015 in Milan under the theme “Feeding the Planet-Energy for Life”. We are confident that the programme of events that the UN are preparing will provide further room for collaborating with IDLO. We are aware that the Director General has already established the relevant contacts and we are willing to support her endevours toward this goal.


Thank you, Mr President.